Suggestions for improving Heatmiser.

We reserve the right to change / cancel or delay any planned feature listed here.

With this in mind, you should NOT purchase a product based on any future feature listed here, including those marked as planned.

Comments asking for release dates will NOT be approved for inclusion here as we don’t promise anything before we can deliver it.

Heating On/Off Indication on History graph (Gen 2 neoHub)

On the temperature history graphs (including expanded history), it would be really useful to show when the heating was turned on and off. Being able to determine ...
Suggested by: Charles (23 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 01 Nov, '24 Comments: 40
Done neoApp

Graphs that can Zoom and Auto Scale

History chart should have a more zoomed in y axis - currently my temperatures are all somewhere between 20 and 25 degrees but impossible to accurately read. It could ...
Suggested by: Heatmiser R&D (23 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 13 Jul, '22 Comments: 3
Done neoApp

Push Notifications on Neo App. CLOSED FOR NEW COMMENTS

Can you make your heatmiser app trigger an alert message on my phone when the battery is low on a thermostat? This would be invaluable so the thermostat would not go ...
Suggested by: Heatmiser R&D (23 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 13 Sept, '23 Comments: 7
Done neoApp

Higher Away Temperature - Heat pump

Increase away temp range to at least 20C. Ground source heat pumps need to be st least 19-20DegC on tick over in winter when away.
Suggested by: Heatmiser R&D (23 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 07 Feb, '22 Comments: 5
Not planned neoApp

Demo App

I was trying to get a feel for how the app works so think there should be the ability to try the app with dummy devices to see how the app works in a particular ...
Suggested by: Heatmiser R&D (23 Aug, '19) Upvoted: 23 Dec, '22 Comments: 1
Not planned neoApp