Opentherm compatability with wired thermostats
The neo air has an open therm controller, why not the rest of the product line?
Comments: 3
01 Apr, '21
MarkoI would like to see OpenTherm support for multi-zone. I have an UH8 and UH4 with a 9 neoStats and would love to drive my OpenTherm boiler with that.
21 Apr, '21
APCompletely agree. Heatmiser have already developed connectivity> Just needs to be extended to provide a OT gateway. Would improve efficiency and resulting cost savings. Great contribution to Climate Change initiatives.
01 Oct, '21
HorstThe OpenTherm Gateway should also have a configurable output delay (to the boiler and pump).
Idea is that the existing UH4/UH8 can open the actuator(s) first before the new OpenTherm Gateway instructs the boiler and pump to start. This would reduce strain on the pump/boiler and extend life of the entire system.