Weather compensation
Some form of weather compensation - either via an external sensor - or via internet weather would be great. The time taken to increase temperature in my house by 1 degree varies considerably depending on outside temperature
Comments: 21
08 Dec, '19
JitThis is a great idea. This would help with slow heating systems such as underfloor heating greatly. On cold days with little sunlight being able to start the underfloor heating earlier so that temperature is good for the morning. Also, turning off the underfloor heating early when it's going to get warmer / sunny can make a big difference and currently causes overshoots on my target temperature.
31 Jan, '20
TFI agree for the reasons above and in addition, I'm looking to use a Bivalent system.
An ASHP alone is not an option for our property so we need to keep the oil boiler for when we get a 'cold snap'. I therefore need a way of controlling when the oil boiler would come on.
I like Heatmiser kit so would be great to see a weather compensatory as a product. -
24 Feb, '20
API would like to add some detail of how this could be done and the benefits:
Implementation: This can be done solely server side and be an option on the app to opt in. If the user opts in then the Optimun start could changed and pushed down to the Stat based on the local weather. The roll out would via an update to the app.
Benefits: All existing users and allow improved sales as this question comes up a lot esp as Geo location is supported. Climate change contribution. -
31 May, '20
Pete MergedThis function would be great for me, particularly if you could trigger zones under certain temperature conditions. For instance with a heat pump struggling when it’s less than 5 degrees outside I want to turn on the towel radiators.
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21 Nov, '20
SteveWould be very useful
21 Jan, '21
Jez ThorpeHaving lots of glass in out house having an external temperature would be a great help and improve the flexibility of the app
02 Feb, '21
Alastair smith MergedExternal weather monitoring could connect to adjusted preheat settings, so if it’s cold the system might pre warm for longer thus increasing the chances of hitting set temperatures during the times zones are in use
16 Feb, '21
Mak100% agree with the above and the general move to Boiler Plus. Adding some sort of weather compensation (even if over internet forecasts) would be a great way to make an existing system more efficient. I imagine a solution exactly like AP has suggested.
26 Feb, '21
Pierre Hymas MergedI have moved from Nest thermostats which includes this feature and miss it on Heatmiser Neo system it would be a valuable addition.
05 Mar, '21
Andrew Hutchinson MergedThis is something that I've thought about.... when it's super cold outside, my floors take much longer to get up to set temperature and sometimes don't even make it to the set heat. You would not need an outside sensor as the main hub could get the temperature from the web which would suffice. So with the new graphs, I better understand the pre heat but this looks like it only comes on 1 hour before. The pre heat could be extended up to 2 hours depending on the room temperature vs outside temperature.
17 Mar, '21
LincolnThis 'could' be a great benefit depending on how well the algorithm is written & performs. It could also be a pain. If you do this, please also include a toggle button in the app to turn Weather Comp on or off. Thanks. (Love most of your kit, by the way)!
22 Mar, '21
MichaelThis would be really cool and really useful.
29 Mar, '21
NickkkDefinitely a good idea!
13 Aug, '21
Bryan Cummings MergedPost by Andrew Hutchinson an excellent idea to make the system world class.
25 Aug, '21
Heatmiser R&D Admin"Outdoor sensor and weather comp facility" (suggested by Martyn Hale on 2020-05-23), including upvotes (34) and comments (5), was merged into this suggestion.
11 Dec, '21
Barry AGreat idea! We have seven zones of underfloor heating and each react differently due to external doors patio windows and doors. Could the sensor be a modified NeoAir with an extended temperature range used in conjunction with a remote probe. The Neostat Air would be mounted inside and the probe placed in a external enclosure and this could be added to an existing system.
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03 Feb, '22
PaulThis gets a vote from me for all the reasons other folks have said. We have underfloor heating and having some form of weather compensation would make a huge difference to the system getting the temperatures much closer to the requested targets at the times requested.
07 Sept, '22
With the huge hike in the price of energy can Heatmiser prioritise this please. This was first suggested 30 months back.
It will help Heatmiser sales and as a very practical benefit to customers.
Please :-) -
10 Oct, '22
David EnnionYes, I would buy an external sensor to take advantage of weather compensation.
03 Mar, '23
David PWeather compensation would be a great help for me too.
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22 May, '23
TomThis would make an absolutely huge improvement to the system because, given the very slow response times of underfloor heating, prediction is everything. Having unnecessary heating on overnight just to get to target temperature during the day when it's going to be warm anyway is a clear waste of energy and also causes overshoot. On the other hand, failing to predict a cold day and not preheating enough just leads to a cold house.
Currently the only way I can see to even do this on a very slow seasonal basis is to manually change all the overnight set points through the year, and clearly you've got no chance with daily/weekly swings unless your main hobby in life is fiddling with the app...
As others have said, assuming you used an internet forecast (which should be easily reliable enough for these purposes), it's all just a software release...