Longer history
Comments: 8
04 Dec, '19
John GouldI am not sure why the history is restricted to one week. When the temperature graphs also show when the heating is will make a longer history more useful
16 Mar, '20
Rolf HayesAgreed John Gould, the history needs to include when the heating is actually being called for from any one thermostat. History would be very useful.
23 May, '20
DanielReally see no reason why we can't go back years. Seeing year on year usage is great for planning / budgeting and helps check if energy efficiency modifications work.
25 May, '20
Edward sargentSeems to be a theme across a number of threads here....
22 Dec, '20
HorstData export (csv, yank) and graph export (svg) please.
27 Jan, '21
Heatmiser R&D AdminThe enhanced history feature will extended history has now been released on the neoHub gen 2 https://faq.heatmiser.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018918619-Enhanced-History-on-neoHub-Gen-2-
16 Feb, '21
Heatmiser R&D Admin"Viewing activation and running hours from the system in the Heatmier Nero app." (suggested by Bart ter Linde on 2020-08-31), including upvotes (4) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Mar, '22
Grodon Graham4 weeks is not long enough to see any real trends, and the data is avilable only day by day so its very hard to see trends anyway,. you should be able to see at least a year or 2 of data so you can compaire to previous year.