Demand Delay for short and rapid dips in temperature

8 votes

Can a programmable delay be added to the Neostat response timing to counter the effects of a rapid drop in temperature firing the boiler ? If the room temperature is above the set temperature and it drops rapidly due to an in rush of cold air as a result of a door or window being opened then the boiler will fire up. If the differential on the Neostat is set to 0.5 degrees to minimise overshoot and undershoot on an under floor heating system with a large thermal mass then this effect is particularly noticeable. In fact, dips in temperature that resulted in red spikes of heating demand were seen in the enhanced history, lasting anywhere between 30 seconds to a few minutes. So, if a delay could be set to say between 2 to 10 minutes then unnecessary pump, actuator and boiler operation would be avoided.. To enhance the feature, an alarm could be sent to the smart phone, after the delay time has been reached, to indicate the heating is on with a door or window open.

Under consideration Suggested by: Barry A Upvoted: 25 Oct, '23 Comments: 2

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