
3 votes

Currently if there is a power issue to a thermostat it has 2 options in the settings
a) failsafe - heat the zone for 20% of the time
b) no heating
it would be great if a third option could be added as one of the following:
c) failsafe (20%) IF and only if other zones in the house are demanding heat otherwise no heating in that zone
d) failsafe (20%) If and only If the external temperature (eg weather forecast) is under 10 deg C (ie there is a risk of frozen pipes so the failsafe is required otherwise no heating

this would prevent the issue where you set the whole house to 10 deg C when you are on holiday but the batteries die on the neoair so that zone is heated to 25deg + when outside temperature is 20+ C

Under consideration Suggested by: Andrew Goldby Upvoted: 05 May, '22 Comments: 0

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