Our customers made these suggestions for improving Heatmiser. Suggestions for improving Heatmiser.
We reserve the right to change / cancel or delay any planned feature listed here.
With this in mind, you should NOT purchase a product based on any future feature listed here, including those marked as planned.
Comments asking for release dates will NOT be approved for inclusion here as we don’t promise anything before we can deliver it.
With this in mind, you should NOT purchase a product based on any future feature listed here, including those marked as planned.
Comments asking for release dates will NOT be approved for inclusion here as we don’t promise anything before we can deliver it.
Weather compensation
Some form of weather compensation - either via an external sensor - or via internet weather would be great. The time taken to increase temperature in my house by 1 ...
Under consideration
Neo Smartthings Integration
Integrate with Smartthings
Heating On/Off Indication on History graph (Gen 2 neoHub)
On the temperature history graphs (including expanded history), it would be really useful to show when the heating was turned on and off.
Being able to determine ...
Add support for Matter
Matter is a connectivity standard backed by Amazon, Apple, Google, and many other technology companies. See: https://csa-iot.org/all-solutions/matter/
Under consideration
App should connect directly to the hub when on same network to improve laggy user experience
There is network lag when using the app. It should be able to detect if it is on the same network as the hub and communicate with it directly. I've setup my own ...
To be able to export the history data of all stats for external analysis
The current history information being for a week would be useful if exportable to build up a long term picture. Helping with understanding how the system behaves and ...
Aggregated graph for all zones.
Related to https://feedback.heatmiser.com/suggestions/62176/boiler-burn-time-reportinggraph-neohub-gen-2 which suggests it is possible to see the aggregated total ...
See floor temperature in app
It would be good if you could see the floor temperature in the app.
On both the summary page (showing all rooms) and the individual room details.
Hot Water Control with External Sensor
How about making any of your stats do hot water control using the external sensor as a cylinder probe? This would avoid the additional expense of buying and wiring ...
Ability to copy a profile as a starting point for a new profile
For my multi zone system I have a Winter profile and a Summer profile for each zone. For mild periods during the winter, the Winter profile gives too much heat. I ...
Graphs that can Zoom and Auto Scale
History chart should have a more zoomed in y axis - currently my temperatures are all somewhere between 20 and 25 degrees but impossible to accurately read. It could ...
0.5 Set Temp on (Gen 2 neoHub) - CLOSED FOR NEW COMMENTS
To be able to set the temp 0.5 increases rather than the 1 , we have currently
Enhanced wireless air sensor app integration
- when a neoStat is linked to one or more wireless air sensors, show in the app the temperature of the wall thermostat as well the air sensor(s) and the average. At ...
Under consideration
linked heat demands
Please add in clever control.
If one zone has called for heat as its reached its threshold, the other zones should also be able to be switched on if below target ...
Not planned
Why not produce a more expensive model of your wireless room thermostat , which includes a symbol showing humidity as well as temperature?
Under consideration
Multiple Settings backup and restore
I have a Neo system consisting of 10 devices - room and underfloor thermostats and timers for boiler and towel rails. As the seasons progress many settings have to be ...
Not planned
UFH Pump Delay ON / OFF
Just commissioned my UFH-8 controller and the pump starts straight away when called for by my NeoUltra ie before the thermal actuator (TA230) are opened, so the pump ...
Not planned
Zigbee channel selection
Allow the customer to select the Zigbee channel using the settings in the App as opposed to having to contact Heatmiser support who apparently can change this.
Under consideration
0.1 0.2 etc degree options for differential
For underfloor heating 0.5 degree differential is still too large. The floor temp takes too long to respond when allowed to cool so much
Not planned
Opentherm compatability with wired thermostats
The neo air has an open therm controller, why not the rest of the product line?
Under consideration
Compensate for zone 'overshoot' by shutting off thermostat output early
With radiators in the loft rooms, the temperature overshoots the 'set' value because the Neostats shut of at the set point while the radiator continues to heat the ...
Under consideration
Wired Air Sensor
To get over the disadvantages of the current wireless air sensor which only reads every 5 minutes and to 0.5 degree accuracy and will not join the MESH. Could a Air ...
Colour status icons in neoApp
In the neoApp, make the colour of the circular room status icons and the temperature in these change automatically so that when:
- Heating -> Red icon, ...
Not planned
Record + display external sensor temperatures in app
It's great that the app records the temperature history of the internal sensor.
It'd be even better if it also recorded the history of the attached floor-probe. ...
Under consideration
Set whether failsafe turns heating on or off
At the moment if a zone neostat runs out of battery the heating comes on permanently. Useful for the winter - a disaster for the summer.
Allow your customers ...
Not planned
Include battery % status in HomeKit app similar to how Philips hue battery sensors display battery %
Include battery % status in HomeKit app similar to how Philips hue battery sensors display battery % in the status details section
Not planned
Push Notifications on Neo App. CLOSED FOR NEW COMMENTS
Can you make your heatmiser app trigger an alert message on my phone when the battery is low on a thermostat? This would be invaluable so the thermostat would not go ...
Grid display and floorplan display option in neoApp
Add an option in the neoApp to display the room status in a single-page grid (a tile for each room, including target temp, current temp, flame and snowflake status ...
Add MQTT messaging on neo-hub to make integration to third party products quicker and easier
MQTT - Message Queue Telemetry Transport (see www.mqtt.org) is the defacto standard for IOT communication. It works on a simple pub-sub model and the neohub could ...
Not planned
MacOS app or website control
Could Heatmiser develop the ability for Mac OSX (not iOS) users to control the neohub/neosystem via a macOS app or website address? Enabling this will offer Mac OS ...
Not planned
Hold from standby mode.
Make the hold function operate from standby and return to standby afterwards.
Higher Away Temperature - Heat pump
Increase away temp range to at least 20C. Ground source heat pumps need to be st least 19-20DegC on tick over in winter when away.
Heatmiser App to allow Week Day/ Week End changes
Can the Heatmiser Neo app please be updated to allow different on/ off cycles to be possible for heating and hot water based on day of week, or at least one setting ...
Outside Thermo to connect to hub
Or just local weather station temp to show on home screen
Not planned
Show remote air sensor battery levels in App
Display remote air sensor battery levels in App.
Not planned
Live temperature feed for IFTTT
To add a live temperature feed available on IFTTT from hub-connected stats. This could work with various "actions", such as integration with smart heat pump control.
Not planned
Open source your firmware so that the community can contribute
Consider open sourcing your firmware / software so that the open source development community can contribute.
I applaud you on the fact that you have a telnet API ...
Not planned
MAC Address on the Neo Hub to all MAC Binding
By adding the printed MAC Address on the Neo Hub it will save time for MAC binding on the FIXED IP
Not planned
Advance scheduling of ‘Away/Holiday Planning’
I have a neo hub gen 2 and would like to be able to plan in advance away/holiday schedule. This would save me setting away date/time only when I leave the house
Not planned
Allow the wireless air sensor to join the mesh network
At present the wireless air sensor can’t join the mesh network and hence has to connect directly to the neoHub. This significantly reduces where you can place the ...
Not planned
NeoStat v2 to communicate with UFH-8 RF
It would be useful if the NeoStat v2 could communicate with the UFH-8 RF wiring centre.
This would probably be a useful feature for any system that has a mix of ...
Not planned
More Date Information Please On Landing Page
For those of us who are dealing with irregular zone programming, it would be most useful to add the day of week the next heating change is due to take place. 'Next ...
Under consideration
On/Off display in Home Kit
If in Heatmiser Ne app the thermostat is set to "Standby/Away" (with other words heating system off), In HomeKit it show as "On" (with other words Standby/Away is ...
Under consideration
Energy monitoring kWh & Cost (Consolidated view)
It would be great if you could enhance the app for better energy monitoring:
1. User to add in energy rating & unit of electricity cost for the underfloor heating ...
Under consideration
Add a built in temperature sensor in to the neo plug
The sensor could then draw on mains power for a stronger signal and wouldn't need the frequent battery changes and re-syncing which seems to be needed to keep these ...
Under consideration
Add IFTTT trigger for when NeoStat is calling for heat.
Similar to the idea to add heating on/off to the app, it would be great if you could also add a trigger event to IFTTT for when the NeoStat calls for heat, and when ...
Not planned
Opentherm Gateway to support Multiple Zones
The lunch of the Neo Hub Mini is great news for supporting OpenTherm for small properties. Could we please have support for Multiple zones as the vast majority of ...
Not planned
larger and/or more readable font colour
The orange on white is really hard to see at times. a darker font colour would help
Under consideration
Air conditioning control or intergration
Control of air conditioning, or at least an ability to turn off heating when cooling is activated.
Not planned